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Transformation & Change

Change Time-Out

90 minutes instant coaching

Change and transformation are very dynamic. Take a Change Time-Out to take a breath and gain more control with an outside view.

What is a Change Time-Out?

Sometimes a full-blown change program is just too much. That's why we've created the Change Time-Out.

Like in sports, it allows you to take a step back from your daily routine and reflect on your individual issues with a coach.

When does a Change Time-Out make sense?

Change Time-Out sessions provide you with an opportunity to re-focus and gain fresh perspectives. You decide about the topic of the session. No preparation needed; just get in touch.

Getting future-ready

You want to prepare for an unknown future. That's easier said than done - but hang on: there are established techniques and methodologies. Get some ideas about how to do this in a Change Time-Out.

Prepare for new normal

Zoom fatigue won't last forever. You made valuable experiences during the pandemic. Now you want to prepare for the new normal and capture the learnings. Get a Change Time-Out to chart a path.

Face resistance

You are on your way to a brighter future. But not everybody buys in. Well, if there's no resistance, there's no change. Take a Change Time-Out to identify valuable tactics to deal with resistance effectively.

Creating engagement

You've got a great project or idea. To make it real you need support from your stakeholders. We'll identify opportunities to create engagement in your organization and to activate the team.

Change Time-Out


1.5 hours


Online or on-site





CHF 210

Regular: CHF 299,-

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